Attack of the Build Day - #2

Started by Jahona, July 03, 2012, 05:06:30 PM

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yea, but not in default, and more buildings on walls rather than on ground.  And a lot dimmer!

Though not of this world, The Juwayyid finds human kind to be a tolerable enough species to hang around with.


Quote from: Juwayyid on July 05, 2012, 05:22:04 PM
yea, but not in default, and more buildings on walls rather than on ground.  And a lot dimmer!

I was actually thinking something like that. You and I think alike J! Well this was my idea, A huge empty area in the depths of the overworld. Here, there is a tree with leaves laced with glowstone, Either the leaves are are partially glowstone, or the trunk is glowstone. Either way, it'll be centered within this hole. And the town will revolve around it on the walls and stuff.


What bout a really deep crater hole with part of a huge ship in the middle(ruined) and a futuristic ecnampment around it?
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