A balancing device for crushers, fans, mulchers, augers on combines, shafts, cen

Started by Jamesalalp, September 02, 2024, 11:33:20 PM

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 Balanset-1A is a versatile and compact tool for balancing and vibration analysis of diverse rotor mechanisms. Whether you deal with crushers, fans, mulchers, centrifuges, or other rotating gear, this device will prove indispensable. 
 Vibrometer Mode: 
 Tachometer: Precisely measures the rotation speed. 
 Phase: Allows for precise phase angle determination in rotor balancing. 
 1x Vibration: Shows the primary vibration frequency. 
 FFT Spectrum: Displays a full spectrum of vibration frequencies. 
 Overall Vibration: Provides a reading of the total vibration level. 
 Measurement Log: Keeps a record of all measurements for subsequent analysis. 
 Rotor Balancing Mode: 
 Single-Plane Balancing: Performs rotor balancing in one plane. 
 Two-Plane Balancing: Adjusts rotors in two planes for complex balancing. 
 Polar Diagram: Visualizes the exact location for balancing weights. 
 Session Recovery: Enables resuming the last balancing session. 
 Tolerance Calculator: Computes allowable imbalance based on ISO 1940 standards. 
 Grinding Wheel Balancing: Provides exact balancing for grinding wheels. 
 General Charts: Displays the general system behavior. 
 1x Graphs: Depicts the primary vibration frequency. 
 Harmonic Graphs: Analyzes the impact of additional frequencies. 
 Spectral Graphs: Offers a comprehensive view of all vibration frequencies. 
 Supplementary Functions: 
 Archive: Keeps records of previous sessions. 
 Reports: Produces detailed outcome reports. 
 Rebalancing: Facilitates repeating the process with saved data. 
 Serial Production: Ideal for mass production settings. 
 What's Included: 
 Measurement Block: Interface for data acquisition. 
 Two Vibration Sensors: For accurate vibration analysis. 
 Laser Tachometer: Optical tachometer for precise RPM readings. 
 Digital Scales: Electronic weighing scales. 
 Software: Note: Laptop not included. 
 Transport Case: Hard-shell case for secure transport. 
 Why It's Great: 
 Balanset-1A is user-friendly, cost-effective, and full of capabilities, making it an excellent choice for quick, precise balancing in workshops and factories. 
 Price: 1949 $. 
 This instrument is incredibly easy to use and ideal for everything from small workshops to large-scale production facilities. 
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